Thursday, October 28, 2010


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Where do I start... well how about by saying that with Military life you have to obviously take the good with the bad, sometimes more often the bad with the good. So with that said, can someone please tell me why is it that our husbands are overseas fighting this war and all these wives have to do is dog each other and be caddy to the point where it seems they are ganging up on other wives? I really don't get it. Help me understand the fact: Why cant stick together like we are supposed to? Our husbands and wives are risking their lives and here on post and the home front we are in this competition. Who looks better, Who is skinnier, who's husband is hotter, or has a better job, or is in a better unit. Who is the master of all who gets to decide the answers to all of these questions?

Don't get me wrong, I know these things go on in the civilian world too, I am not completely sheltered. But, whatever happened to a common denominator, or really just acting like were all adults. Its like High school rolled  over into adulthood!!! I really feel like you cant be your true self, because you have to be reserved in able to see what people are like in order to make a conscience decision whether or not to allow yourself to be put out there.  Grow up and act respectable!! Those are My Thoughts Exactly..... for tonite.

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